The Internationalist published in their "literature" that I picked up outside while leafletting the DA last Wednesday (for $2 - everyone needs a friend) an article originally written and published in 2001 about minority kids being dumbed down and trained for "McJobs" - this is SO old-hat already! the problem is not the dumbing down of curriculum but the fact that in the face of SO much resistence FROM the students and their families we CANNOT expect much more than a superficial smattering of effort, consistency, or real commitment to BECOMING EDUCATED - which I used to see more of 10 and even just 4 years ago...this is so sad. and the administrators are the real culprits in NOT supporting teachers who DEMAND excellence in their students - hence the ELIMINATION of the "F" in the brand-new grading "system" promulgated at my former school (on our "campus" of the same name...)
"smoke and mirrors" Every child is above average!
*shaking my head* What is the point of education anymore if a 65 is passing? It's not even education. It's like talking to a wall. This is the kind of thing that makes me think twice about going back to get my state certification.
65 used to BE a D - the lowest grade before failure, AKA an "F". now failure is no longer an option. a twisted twist on an old saying. no wonder the kids are laughing their asses off at us, the asses who are attempting to "educate".
The New York State Education Department should be notified about this matter. The Commissioner of Education has consistently ruled that student grades must be reflective of academic performance.
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